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krysdecker's avatar

And the Heavens shall tremble



long road since… , 4 years ago.

The picture speaks for itself =).

One week ago, before going to sleep, i was thinking about a Tyrael picture .. thought about several possible situations until i remembered i had one that, despite the lack of skill i had by that time, the picture itself was nearly perfect in my mind ... so why not finish it ?

besides .. i needed a new wallpaper .. was getting tired of staring at Azshara's boobs =D.


WIP -…


I could thank every comment by it's own, but i think it's better to say one big thanks here, and reply individually if needed.

I'm really glad you guys liked, and i hope many others will do to. For me it was important to finish this picture, because as you can see, i started around 4 years ago, and whenever people asked me to finish it, i said i didnt have enough "skill" to do it ... And now i think i do (just out of curiosity, took me 25h, 4 brushs, 5 layers, and around 10 base colors to do it). Looking back at the pictures i did in 2008 i can really see the improvement they went trough and this one is like the "win standart". I can only hope my next ones will be even better =).

Anyway, thanks for the support. It's always welcome =).


EDIT *******

For those interested. My brand new youtube channel =)…


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The Chrysalis by krysdecker Death Dealer by krysdecker Warsong by krysdecker Day of the Dragonqueen by krysdecker The Birth of the Banshee Queen by krysdecker The Light of Lights by krysdecker

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DJJ1172's avatar
and the hells shall fall